About Us

About Our Shelter
Adopt an AnimalMake a Donation

Transparency and accountability are crucial components for us to demonstrate our commitment to honest and responsible philanthropy. We believe our donors have a right to know how their money is spent. Rest assured, your donations go directly toward saving and caring for animals in need. Come visit our Halfway Home Kennel in West Los Angeles and St. Bonnie’s Sanctuary in Canyon Country to see in person what we accomplish with your support. If you have questions on charitable giving, you are always welcome to contact us directly.

Organizational Information


Together, we make a difference. Since 1993, the Lange Foundation has rescued over 20,000 animals from city and county shelters that would have been otherwise euthanized. We began with our Halfway Home Kennel in West Los Angeles and in 2007, expanded our rescue work to include the overcrowded, underfunded desert shelters. We did this by purchasing a 4.5 acre property in Canyon Country in the Santa Clarita Valley which you know as St. Bonnie’s Sanctuary. At full capacity, we are able to house and care for 150 cats, 75 dogs, and 12 horses. We are committed to finding quality homes for our pets and continuing our mission of rescuing those animals who need us most.


Any transaction or vote involving a potential conflict of interest shall be approved only when a majority of disinterested directors determine that it is in the best interest of the corporation to do so. The minutes of meetings at which said votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention and rationales for approval. Whenever a director or officer has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the board of directors, the affected person shall:

  • Fully disclose the nature of the interest.
  • Withdraw from discussion, lobbying, and voting the matter

Lange Foundation requires Officer, Directors, Employees and Volunteers to observe high standards of business and personal ethics on the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. We must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

If an officer, Director, Employee or Volunteer reasonably believes that some policy, practice or activity of Lange Foundation is in violation of laws or regulation; a written complaint may be filed with the President. The person who files the written complaint alleging an unlawful activity, policy or practice will be protected from retaliation if the complaint provides sufficient opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. Anyone filing a written complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation must be acting in good faith.

Lange Foundation will not retaliate against an Officer, Director, Employee or Volunteer who has made a protest or raised a complaint regarding some practice of Lange Foundation, or of another individual, or entity with whom Lange Foundation has a business relationship on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law or a clear mandate of public policy.

The written report of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation. All reports will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation.

This policy covers document retention and destruction and provides standards for document integrity including guidelines for handling electronic files, backup procedures, document archiving and internal controls to determine the system reliability.

Document Management Policy

The Ones Under our Care

The dogs we rescue come to us in all shapes, colors, sizes, and ages. Some are victims of abuse or neglect. Others are starving strays. Some are purebred and some are obedience trained. Our hearts go out to those who need surgery, spending their last few days of life in excruciating pain. We take as many of them as we possibly can and our monthly surgery bills are overwhelming. The shelters continue to be overcrowded with cats. The kittens have a better chance of adoption than adult cats. Very few adults will ever find homes once they have entered the shelter system even though among them are many purebreds. At the Lange Foundation, our cats await their new homes in a cage-free environment. They are given the gift of time and if they are not adopted they will always have a home with us. The horses under our care receive the same quality of care as our cats and dogs from our dedicated Sanctuary staff and volunteers.

The Challenge

Every year in Los Angeles County,  thousand of pets are taken to animal shelters simply because they drastically outnumber the homes available to them. They spend their last few days in crowded cages before many of them are euthanized. As their lives silently end, thousands more are being born who will endure the same fate. The long-term answer to the overpopulation problem is to prevent the births of pets who will never have homes and will only know misery during their short lives. We are currently seeking funding to continue our efforts in the spay/neuter field. In the meantime, with your help, we will do all we can to give a future to those who have already been born and abandoned and need our help so desperately.  We continue to do so until the day finally comes when animal shelters will be what they were intended to be: a place of refuge.