
Dogs for Adoption
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The dogs we rescue come in all shapes, colors, sizes and ages. Some are purebred, some are designer breeds, and some are just perfectly wonderful mutts.

Our available dogs are listed below – please be patient as the page loads. Click on their photographs and names to view more information.

Dogs live, play, walk, and wait patiently for their new families at our Halfway Home Kennel or St. Bonnie’s Sanctuary. You can contact us if you have any questions or are interested in adopting.

Located at Lange Foundation

August Male

1 year 7 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Bambino Male

1 year 0 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Blossom Female

12 weeks.
Located at Lange Foundation

Butterball Male

5 years 5 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Clark Male

2 years 5 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Cosmos Male

12 weeks.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Crumpet Male

2 years 0 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Diva Female

7 years 8 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Fiddlesticks Male

1 year 0 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Fluffy Male

9 years 3 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Hades Male

4 years 11 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Hemmet Male

3 years 9 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Hershey Female

2 years 0 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Ichabod Male

1 year 5 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Jameson Male

6 years 1 month.
Located at Lange Foundation

Jasmine Female

12 weeks.
Located at Lange Foundation

Jersey Male

2 years 8 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Jude Female

3 years 1 month.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Kipper Male

1 year 0 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Lily Female

12 weeks.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Luna Female

2 years 8 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Mr. Waffles Male

3 years 5 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Muddy Buddy Male

2 years 3 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Ozzie Male

1 year 0 months.
Located at Lange Foundation

Poppy Female

12 weeks.
Located at Lange Foundation

Punky Female

8 years 2 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Remy Male

11 months.
Located at St. Bonnie's Sanctuary

Schnitzel Male

1 year 0 months.