You love animals – their compassion and loyalty – and you know how fortunate animals are when humans step in to lend a hand and a voice when it is needed most. With thoughtful gift planning, you can continue to make a difference for the animals at Lange Foundation even after your lifetime.
It takes a substantial amount of resources to run and maintain Lange Foundation. Community support is vital to ensuring that our organization continues to thrive and be a community resource for many more years to come.
Caring philanthropists who have Lange Foundation in their estate plans through wills, trusts, charitable trusts, charitable gift annuities, or other planned gifts, provide care and services for thousands of homeless animals each year while they wait for us to find them homes of their own. Because of your generous support Lange continues to be the safety net for lost and abandoned companion animals in our community.
A planned gift can be long-remembered testimony to your support of Lange and your desire that it will carry on its purpose after you are gone.

Some of the ways to honor Lange’s mission include:
- Naming Lange Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or revocable living trust.
- Creating a charitable trust.
- A gift of real estate. Your real property may be gifted to our organization by executing or signing a deed transferring ownership. You may deed part or all of your real property to our organization. Your gift will generally be based on the property’s fair market value, which must be established by an independent appraisal.
- Making a gift of cash or appreciated securities to establish a charitable gift annuity. A gift of appreciated securities can have a variety of potential benefits such as avoidance of capital gains tax, a charitable income tax deduction, and possible increased income.
- Naming Lange Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account. A retirement asset, such as an IRA account, makes an excellent bequest to us. If the IRA were given to your family, much of the value may be lost through estate and income taxes. By designating a charity as the beneficiary of all or part of your IRA, the full value of the gift is transferred tax-free at your death and your estate receives an estate tax charitable deduction. Your retirement assets may be transferred to Lange Foundation by completing a beneficiary designation form provided by your plan custodian.
Benefits of your gift:
- Receive an estate tax deduction.
- Receive an income tax deduction.
- Lessen the burden of taxes on your family.
- Leave a lasting legacy.
Give the following info to your attorney to set up a planned gift:
- Organization’s Name: Lange Foundation
- Organization’s Address: 2106 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025
- Organization’s Phone: 310-473-5585
- Organization’s Email: [email protected]
- Organization’s Tax ID: 95-4407687
- Organization’s Contact: Gillian Lange, President
For donations of stock, please use this transfer information:
0015 Morgan Stanley
FBO Lange Foundation
Acct # 241-176368